Writing a blog is an extremely exciting exercise. You are publishing your postings nearly in real time. You have the possibility to react and immediately and reach your audience. This is a positive and dramatic change compared to the pre-Internet and pre-Web 2.0-era.
Nevertheless I feel one dilemma: My older posts disappear in my timeline due to the fact that I am writing new articles and that I am curating information. Curated blog entries are more or less a reference to an interesting piece of information, a quote, an infographic or a video. I find this information worth to share and comment.
The longer self-created posting represent my thoughts and I quite often feel, they get lost in the overall flow of information. This is, why I published my book “Das soziale Zeitalter” in 2011 through bloggingbooks. Now time has passed by, we are in 2014, and I never published my English language articles.
This eBook is a selection of postings around the topic of “Social Business” and Collaboration. It is about using social tools and software for business. And it is about the new culture of sharing and communicating in todays ‘Social Age’. The new culture behavior driven by the Social Web, the internet as a transparency machine is questioning traditional hierarchies, traditional means of production and therefore is changing our world, our workplace and our Business overall. Ginni Rometty, IBM’s CEO, is talking about social networks being the new production line.
In my articles I try to cover a lot of the aspects of Social Business. And yes, I am not neutral. I am as Marketing lead Social Business for IBM in Europe party. I believe in a lot of our solutions and the change we are driving internally and externally. But beyond my responsibility to spread the IBM “Social Business” message I hope, I am personally passionate on the change we are currently experiencing. In comparison to a lot of German skepticism I am positive on “Social Business”. It is in my opinion primarily an opportunity and not a thread. And it is on us to work on both, the business and the social part. You find a lot of my thoughts represented in these postings.
This is the first eBook I have put together. More to come shortly.
I hope you do enjoy the reading and I am happy to get any feedback and comments.
Filed under: English Tagged: Blogging, e20, featured, SocBiz, Workplace-of-the-Future